Δευτέρα 18 Απριλίου 2011

Nanomaterials in Architecture, Interior Architecture and Design - Children's playground in the Mannou National Government Park Kagawa, Japan

Children's playground in the Mannou National Government Park
Kagawa, Japan
- Urban Design Consultant Inc., Japan
CLIENT - Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
PRODUCT - Ever Fine Coat, photocatalytic self-cleaning membrane
MANUFACTURER - Taiyo Kogyo Corporation
AREA - 700m2
Located in the centre of a park, a new children's playground
was built, part of which is covered to protect
against the sun. The circular tensile membrane follows
the circular shape beneath and forms a roofed-over
indoor-like space. The membrane not only shades the
play area beneath, it also offers protection against UV
light, which is harmful for young children's particularly
sensitive skin. By using a photocatalytic self-cleaning
coating, it was possible to choose a light colour for the
membrane. Even in poor weather conditions, the UV
light required to initiate the photocatalytic reaction is
sufficient so that rain can wash off the dirt deposits
lying loose on the membrane.

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