Κυριακή 11 Μαΐου 2008


"ARCHITECTURE FOR HUMANITY" is a non profit organization that provides a range of professional services to community groups, NGO's and others seeking architecture and design solutions. In addition they provide support to designers seeking to provide pro bono services to community groups through our design fellowship program and fiscal sponsorship.

Architecture for Humanity offers volunteer opportunities and design fellowships for architects and designers. Opportunities range from short-term volunteer stints to long term paid commitments.

"Cyclone Nargis hit the heart of Myanmar on Saturday morning, May 3, 2008. In the week since, officials are now reporting that the death toll has risen over 100,000.In the coming weeks, the media will focus its attention on the loss of life, and the millions displaced. If permitted to support the relief effort, large aid agencies will be knee deep in immediate delivery of aid. But how will the country respond the need for communities to rebuild?
We are reaching out to our community to raise funds to provide design services to communities affected by the disaster. We will be reaching out to and supporting architects who are have previously worked in Myanmar. This is a small start, but could affect tens of thousands of those displaced."

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLZ visit: http://www.architectureforhumanity.org/

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